East Reading Room, Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound
September 28-October 28
(from the website at: https://wagingpeaceinvietnam.com/exhibits)
“During America’s war in Vietnam, the antiwar movement among active-duty soldiers and veterans was central to the success of the larger U.S. protest movement—and had a profound impact on the course of the war. In the mid-Sixties, as the U.S. escalated troop numbers, tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors and pilots refused to fight, sail and fly bombing missions. As scholar David Cortright notes: “It is arguable that by 1970 U.S. ground troops in Vietnam had ceased to function as an effective fighting force. The disintegration of military morale was a factor in the Nixon administration’s decision to accelerate troop withdrawals.”
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Editorial Team
Exhibit: Dissent and Resistance within the Military
East Reading Room, Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound
September 28-October 28
(from the website at: https://wagingpeaceinvietnam.com/exhibits)
“During America’s war in Vietnam, the antiwar movement among active-duty soldiers and veterans was central to the success of the larger U.S. protest movement—and had a profound impact on the course of the war. In the mid-Sixties, as the U.S. escalated troop numbers, tens of thousands of soldiers, sailors and pilots refused to fight, sail and fly bombing missions. As scholar David Cortright notes: “It is arguable that by 1970 U.S. ground troops in Vietnam had ceased to function as an effective fighting force. The disintegration of military morale was a factor in the Nixon administration’s decision to accelerate troop withdrawals.”
Category: Events
Chapter Name has Changed
Chapter Meeting
NEW: On the Second Saturday of each month at 9 am via Zoom.
Announcements are sent out via our chapter email list prior to each meeting.
Environmental Costs of War
Seattle Antiwar Coalition:
The Seattle Anti-War Coalition is pausing its monthly protests while we make plans for 2024.
S Climate Action Campaign
Speakers Bureau
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us: info@vfp92.org
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Airs 4th Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm
Past shows can be listened to from the KODX website at http://kodxseattle.org/seattlevfp/
You can subscribe with your favorite app at http://kodxseattle.org/category/seattlevfp/feed
CALL 1-877-447-4487
The Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation
World Beyond War - USA's Military Empire: A Visual Database
World Beyond War Peace Pledge Signers
VA Claims for Mesothelioma Guide
Veteran Housing Assistance
Best Jobs for Returning Service Members