POB 31947, Seattle, WA 98103 info@vfp92.org

VFP Member at Solidarity School, August 21

8/21/ 22 International League of Peoples Struggle at Seattle U
A VFP92 member Tabled with WPiVM master leaflet and essay contest leaflet+ the basic layout for school counter-recruiting.
He attended 2 workshops, AM about the campaign against Boeing, PM, IWA (International Womens Alliance) Both were good.
Plenary in morning , then afternoon.
Veterans For Peace can and should work with ILPS as well as with the Campus against US led war group, which is part of ILPS.
Also note: GABRIELA, Students supporting Palestine, BAYAN, Stop the Sweeps! And other orgs are part of ILPS.
ILPS is encouraging organizations to join them. They said that to become part of ILPS a n organization needs to agree with their unity on one of the 20 issues they deal with. ILPS is open to mass organizations, not political parties or individuals.
ILPS can present more info about themselves at an educational at our GMM. I think ASAP would be good. They are be younger, diverse people who are consciously anti-imperialist.

Stay Tuned…