POB 31947, Seattle, WA 98103 info@vfp92.org

VFP 92 Radio Show: Russia and Ukraine – Call for Peace to End the War

Listen to “Russia and Ukraine – Call for Peace to End the War” on Spreaker.
We talk to Gerry Condon and Marjorie Cohn about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the danger of nuclear war. Gerry is a former president of the international Veterans For Peace and a local VFP 92 chapter member. He is also a Vietnam-era veteran and conscious objector to the U.S. war in Vietnam. Marjorie is a VFP advisory board member. She is a law professor at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, California, and a former president of the National Lawyers Guild. We referred to the Veterans For Peace Nuclear Posture Review and the Washington Against Nuclear Weapons (WANW) Coalition during our conversation.