POB 31947, Seattle, WA 98103 info@vfp92.org

2023-01-21 VFP92 General Membership Meeting – Minutes


Seattle, Chapter 92 – January 21, 2023     


Meeting Minutes


Member Attendees:

James, Keith, Pete, Dan, Allen, Will, Jim, Percy


Victor from Resist US Led Wars

Carly from Resist US Led Wars

Dan: Point of Order. Resist US Led War reps go first? Yes.

Carly and Victor from Resist US Led War

  1. Invitation to sign the Resist US Led War network to be members. Linked in the agenda.
    1. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgZTE2ReW9KZZHc6Fk9B4wL5G6hzzAkD1lRzRmXh_lsva-aA/viewform
  1. Conversations about joint event with resist in February or March.
    1. Considering February 15th, maybe later.
    2. Raise awareness of impacts of war. Pollution
    3. Considering event at the Boeing location near Duwamish River

Ask: Sign on as organization, and individuals.

Add to vote on the manifesto Board meeting agenda Jim
Vote on endorsing manifesto Board

Idea to do a joint action through the Climate and War action.

Carly to take the lead on organizing VFP and Resist to plan the action Carly Invite Pete Schoonmaker (lead for VFP92, Stephanie A., James Williams, Jim Nau, plus Resist people

Manifesto: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgZTE2ReW9KZZHc6Fk9B4wL5G6hzzAkD1lRzRmXh_lsva-aA/viewform

Instagram: Resist US-Led War Seattle (@resist.seattle) • Instagram photos and videos



MLK Day March Will

Will reported on parade; needed more

Banner worked well up high.

Made the Seattle Times photos: https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/01162023_MLK_1719422.jpg?d=1020×680

Could use another hand(s) to carry it.



President’s Report–James W

Vice President-Mike D


Treasurer-Keith O

January 1, 2023 Treasurers Report brief:

Beginning December balance: $6,329.93.

Ending balance 12/31 $6,110.02


Order book 1 copy of the Peoples History of the United States from UW, deliver to Charles or have him pick it up at the book store. Keith


Board of Directors-Allen, Marty, Will


Dan: Peace walk in Index, WA.

Around 80 people. Kem spoke about war and peace coming from MLK.

Was it recorded? Not sure.


Action Team reports:

Truth in Recruiting—Pete,Marty, Steph

Pete: Navy came to Cleveland HS last week.

Air Force is at Cleveland on 1/25.

Not know if they will come to Franklin, Chief Sealth.

Have to check with West Seattle and Garfield.

Dan contacting Northern schools about their schedule.

Coming in March: career fair


Seattle Anti-war coalition

Dan: stopped the downtown Tuesday rallies

Re-tooling purpose and events.

March 13-15 planning Medea Benjamin tour.
At UW on March 14th.

Bellingham, PT, and other places are interested.

Dan proposing co-sponsoring the Medea Benjamin tour for flight, travel.
All ayes, no nays.

War in Ukraine by Medea Benjamin | Goodreads


Washington Against Nuclear Weapons – James

Changed meeting to 2nd Thursday at 5:30.

Radio Show–Mike

Not present.

Media update–Marty

Pete: working to updates website.

Looking to collect video and media from the Vietnam exhibit.

Jim volunteer to help.


Not present

Peace Trees Viet Nam – Kem

Dan: Citizen Diplomacy trips are happening.

Successful fund-raiser in October

Explosive Ordnance Disposal : Humanitarian Mine Action : What We Do : PeaceTrees Vietnam

Suggest to

Military Sexual Trauma- Allen

No report this time.



Madea Benjamin book tour in Seattle in March: codepink.org/ukrainebooktour – ?

See above.

Waging Peace in Vietnam – James – The essay winner was given his $500 check and is being sent a copy of a book.

Howard Zinn’s book: A People’s History of the United States




Topic Presenter Notes/Details  
Proposal to change our GMM to 2nd Saturday of each month and start earlier, such as 9:00am James All ayes, no nay. Approved.
Next meeting 2/11 at 9 am.

James send out additional emails

Pete to add website meeting

Steph elected to VFP National All Congrats!  
Action with Resist US Led Wars – Seattle RULW guests https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgZTE2ReW9KZZHc6Fk9B4wL5G6hzzAkD1lRzRmXh_lsva-aA/viewform  
Ray McGovern in town, will speak at Ground Zero in Poulsbo on the 29th. James James to send Ray McGovern Ground Zero announcement to the VFP Announce list


Bainbridge Island Ferry
Willing to attend:
Daniel (maybe)
Stephanie (ask)

Suggestion to speak out against SEAFair air”show”.

At regional VFP meeting in October, California chapter active in speaking out against Miramar show.

Will San Diego chapter. Monday VFP regional meeting.

Will to ask details from San Diego at the regional meeting.

Will to devise brief outline for “De-materialize SEAFair” new campaign, to put on the 2/2 board agenda, add to 2/11 agenda.

Hybrid meeting James James, Jim, and Will may test in-person at El Centro at 2/11 GMM  



Date Event Notes/Details
1/23, 7 pm Sunday VFP Pacific Regional Meeting WA, OR, CA, AK, HI independent members at large and chapters can attend
To Join the Regional Meeting at 7 pm on 1/23


2/11, 9 am


VFP92 General Membership Meeting for February New day and time!

Planning in-person and online.